
A rally for peace and freedom

Our good friend Benedict Rogers addressed a rally outside Downing Street, for peace and freedom for all the people of Iraq.

Motor Neurone Disease

Our Executive Director gives an important message on Motor Neurone Disease

Assisted Dying Bill

On Friday 18th July the House of Lords voted to give another reading to the 'Assisted Dying' bill.This is a major step for our Parliament to have taken.Over 100 members of the House of Lords to have taken, we have selected a few of the best speeches and made them available for download below.

National Prayer Breakfast

Anyone who can drop in the line, “I was talking to the Pope yesterday” with absolute nonchalance and not a hint of bragging deserves applause

A new home for the CCF

The Conservative Party and CCF have a new home. Moving from the aging 30 Millbank we are now closer to Parliament in an office fit for purpose.

Wilberforce Address 2013

We were blessed to have Tim Montgomerie give the Wilberforce Address this year.Tim is co-founder of the CCF, Campaign for Social Justice and now comments editor at The Times newspaper.